Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve, a non-profit, is a 170 acre destination in Goshen, KY. It includes forested areas and grasslands with over 8.5 miles of trails, spring-fed creeks, a frog pond, waterfalls and a two hundred year old historic manor and spring house. Follow the natural beauty of the seasons with us.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Blog on the Move
Our friends who follow this blog know that I started it to feature nature at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve where I volunteer.
Our website at Creasey has been redesigned and really looks wonderful. Part of the design was to incorporate KY Natural Inquirer into the website itself. The blog still exists, but you will need to look for it at Let us know how you like the new look!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Buggy Serenade
When you take a walk during this time of year, whether at the Nature Preserve, or just around the block near your home, your ears may be overwhelmed with the buzzing song of insects. Insects are usually unnoticed by most people, except for a passing comment perhaps. "Boy, those bugs sure are loud today! I wonder what's making all that noise." Because they are cold blooded, insects need hot days to warm up their instruments. You won't hear them on a cool morning. But if you listen, you will notice them around midday. By late afternoon or early evening, more insects will have joined the chorus. They are singing love songs, and looking for a mate!
These sounds are made by different insects, depending on the time of day you hear the singing. During the day, the loud buzzing is usually made by a cicada. There are several species, including an annual cicada and the dreaded 17-year species. A cicada is 1 to 2 inches long, with a blunt head and clear wings. Similar to true bugs, it has a mouth part for sucking. Like a drinking straw with a sharp end, the cicada's mouth part can pierce a woody plant and suck up sap. The female cicada has an ovipositor folded under her abdomen. She uses it to slice into the tip of a branch and deposit eggs inside. After the eggs hatch, the young cicadas (called nymphs) drop to the ground and use special front legs to tunnel into the soil. Underground, they feed on root sap and grow in dark burrows for many years.
Each cicada crawls out of the ground and up onto a tree or other woody plant. Then the cicada nymph inflates itself with air, moisture, and blood, splitting open its exoskeleton. Eventually, the grown-up cicada emerges and leaves its exoskeleton on the bark. Males begin to call for a mate, during the day, and females listen for their courting call. After mating and laying eggs, the adults die. Some people call cicadas locusts, but they are not. The confusion happens because locusts, which are a kind of large grasshopper, sometimes show up in tremendous swarms. However, locust swarms are very destructive. They devour entire crops, while cicadas feed only on plant juices and do minor damage to trees.
In the evening, other insects sing the buggy serenade. Katydids are some of my favorites, as they argue, "Katy did!" and "Katy didn't!" As a child I always wondered what Katy was supposed to have done! Katydids look like large green grasshoppers with super-long antennae. Indeed, another name for these insects is long-horned grasshoppers.
Like Katydids, crickets rub a sharp ridge on one wing against a rough part of the other. As it rubs, its wings vibrate. The vibration amplifies the sound. This singing style, known as stridulation, sounds like buzzes, chips, chirps, or clicks. Crickets. Crickets hold their wings flat on the back. Their long, slender antennae extend beyond the body. The female has a single long tube, called an ovipositor, for laying her eggs in soil or plants.
This is the time of year to enjoy the natural sounds of nature. Turn off you iPod and turn on your ears!
Naturally yours,
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Luna Moths
Luna moths can be found in deciduous hardwood forests, where a variety of trees including white birch, persimmon, sweet gum, hickories, walnuts, and sumacs serve as host plants for the young caterpillars. The adults are very strong fliers and are attracted to lights. Adult Luna Moths don't eat; in fact, they don't even have a mouth. They only live for about a week, and their only purpose is to mate.
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Luna Moth Female |
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Luna Moth Male
Female Luna Moths release a chemical at night which attracts males. Notice that the antennae of the male are large and feathery, all the better to detect and locate the female by her pheromones. Adults die shortly after mating or laying eggs. Usually, two generations are born each year (that means that moths that spent the winter in a cocoon will hatch, mate, and lay eggs; then their children will hatch, mate, and lay eggs which will hatch and make cocoons for the Winter). Luna Moths were once very common, but are now considered an endangered species in some areas.
The eggs hatch in about one week and the caterpillars are sedentary and solitary feeders. They click their mandibles when threatened and can vomit fluids to deter predators. Leaves and silk are used to spin papery brown cocoons in litter under the host plant. Adults will have one brood from May-July in the north, two to three broods from March-September in the south. The caterpillars have 5 "instars", in which they shed their skin to allow growth into a bigger size.
Predators of Luna moths include bats, owls and some hornets. Do you think the large "eyes" on their wings would discourage a predator? For a terrific video showing an adult emerging from the cocoon, go to
Naturally yours,
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Acorn or Not Acorn?
When is an acorn not an acorn? Sometimes you look up into the branches of an oak tree and see some peculiar looking acorns. They seem to encircle a twig, and are very deformed looking. Well, they aren't acorns at all, but some variety of oak gall.
Gouty and horned galls are abnormal growths or swellings comprised of plant tissue found on leaves, twigs, or branches. These deformities are caused by a tiny, non-stinging, wasp which produces a chemical or stimuli inducing the plant to produce large, woody twig galls. Most galls are aesthetically not pretty, but normally cause little damage to tree. However, severe infections may bring about the decline of the tree. Chemical control is seldom suggested for management. The horned oak gall has small horns that protrude from around the circumference of the gall. It can be found on pin, scrub, blackjack, and water oaks. The gouty oak twig gall is smooth and can be found on pin, scarlet, red and black oaks.
In early spring a tiny wasp of the cynipidae family emerge from woody stem galls. The females lay eggs on the veins of the oak leaf buds. Male and female wasps emerge from these tiny, blister type galls on the leaf vein about mid summer. Mated females deposit eggs in young oak twigs. The next spring small swellings develop on the twigs and enlarge over the next two or three years. The galls provide protection, food, and shelter for the developing larvae. When the larvae reach maturity, the horned galls developed small spines or horns. An adult wasp emerges from each horn and another life cycle of wasps begins.
If you look carefully at other plants, you may find other galls as well, in golden rod for example. Just keep a sharp eye out for them!
Naturally yours,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Blackberris vs. Raspberries
The older I get, the more confused about similar things sometimes. On the other hand, there are many similar things in nature that I have always had trouble distinguishing. On a recent walk around the grounds of the Nature Preserve, I found two of those similar things growing right next to each other. Blackberry and black raspberry are two different fruits. A person who is not that exposed to berries will surely have a hard time distinguishing one from the other; but you can never blame them because it is really hard to tell which is which by simply looking at the fruit itself. Bramble fruits are characterized by the clustering of smaller fruits (druplets) to become one bigger clump of fruit.
Blackberries are perennial plants which typically bear biennial stems ("canes") from the perennial root system. In its first year, a new stem, the primocane, grows vigorously arching or trailing along the ground and bearing large palmately compound leaves with five or seven leaflets; it does not produce any flowers. In its second year, the cane becomes a floricane and the stem does not grow longer, but the lateral buds break to produce flowering laterals (which have smaller leaves with three or five leaflets). First- and second-year shoots usually have numerous short-curved, very sharp prickles that are often erroneously called thorns. These prickles can tear through denim with ease and make the plant very difficult to navigate around. Unmanaged mature plants form a tangle of dense arching stems, the branches rooting from the node tip on many species when they reach the ground. Vigorous and growing rapidly in woods, scrub, hillsides, and hedgerows, blackberry shrubs tolerate poor soils, readily colonizing wasteland, ditches, and vacant lots. Blackberry leaves are food for certain caterpillars; some grazing mammals, especially deer, are also very fond of the leaves.
The flowers are produced in late spring and early summer on short racemes on the tips of the flowering laterals. Each flower is about 2–3 cm in diameter with five white or pale pink petals.
The drupelets only develop around ovules that are fertilized by the male gamete from a pollen grain. The most likely cause of undeveloped ovules is inadequate pollinator visits. Even a small change in conditions, such as a rainy day or a day too hot for bees to work after early morning, can reduce the number of bee visits to the flower, thus reducing the quality of the fruit. Incomplete drupelet development can also be a symptom of exhausted reserves in the plant's roots or infection with a virus such as Raspberry bushy dwarf virus.
The black raspberry has lots of tiny prickles on the stems, and larger leaves. When you pick up the black raspberry from the plant, you will notice that it has become hollow. In other words, its stem (more appropriately termed as receptacle) was pulled out from the fruit and remained with the plant. This is not the case with blackberries because when you harvest them, you will almost always retain its stem.
Black raspberries become hollow in the middle when picked from the main plant whereas the blackberries retain its stem. Black raspberries are harvested at an earlier time while blackberries are more sensitive to cold temperatures. In terms of looks, blackberries are said to be smoother and shinier than black raspberries. Blackberries are native fruits in North and South America, as well as, in some parts of Asia and Europe whereas black raspberries are only indigenous in North America.
Black raspberries have less commercial value than blackberries.
Wild berries are tasty, but you will get scratched up - just count on it. And you are likely to get bit by chiggers and other bugs.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Hear the lovely song of the frog in yonder pond....
A great crowd of frog enthusiasts joined Bill Dean, aka Dr. Frog, at the frog pond last week, and not one person said "EWW!" as he netted up frogs, tadpoles and eggs from the bottom of the pond. I was proud of everyone! The pond is home to green frogs and bullfrogs at this time of year, although other species can be found earlier in the spring. Green frogs live wherever shallow freshwater ponds, road-side ditches, lakes, swamps, streams, and brooks are found. Most often seen resting along the shore, they leap into the water with a loud "eek" when approached. Inhabiting the terrestrial and aquatic habitat boundary, green frogs employ a simple leap to leave behind their many and faster terrestrial enemies that cannot cross that boundary.
Dr. Frog noted that female green frogs have a white throat, while the males have yellow throats. Actually, they don't have much green color at all. Green frogs breed in semi-permanent or permanent fresh water.
Males call from and defend their territories. The distinctive call sounds like a plucked banjo string, usually given as a single note, but sometimes repeated, during the breeding season from April to August. They were quiet while we were all there, but by Wednesday afternoon, the chorus was in full voice, much to my surprise. Their territories can't be too big, given the number of frogs in close proximity. See how many you can count in this short video.
Another way to tell the males from females is to look at the tympanum, or ear, next to their eyes. Mature females are typically larger than males, but the male tympanum is twice the diameter of the eye, whereas in females, the tympanum diameter is about the same as that of the eye. The dorsolateral ridges, prominent, seam-like skin folds that run down the sides of the back, distinguish the green frog from the bullfrog, which lacks them entirely.
Actual mating involves amplexus, whereby the male grasps the female with his forelimbs posterior to her forelimbs. The female releases her eggs and the male simultaneously releases sperm which swim to the egg mass. Fertilization takes place in the water. A single egg clutch may consist of 1000 to 7000 eggs, which may be attached to submerged vegetation. Yet few of the tadpoles reach maturity, since they are the favorite food of just about every other animal living in the pond.
Green frog tadpoles are olive green and iridescent creamy-white below, and eat mainly diatoms and algae. Adults eat insects, worms, and occasionally other small frogs and fish. Rather than chase their prey, they sit and eat whatever comes by. Metamorphosis (changing from the fully aquatic tadpole, to an air breather with legs) can occur within the same breeding season or tadpoles may overwinter to metamorphose the next summer. Males become sexually mature at one year, females may mature in either two or three years. Following metamorphosis, juvenile green frogs often travel from their natal ponds to neighboring ponds. Movements of up to three miles have been documented.
Like other frogs, green frogs have well developed senses. Their bulging eyes allow them to see in many directions. The round spot behind the eye, called the tympanum, or eardrum, is used for hearing. This specialized patch of tissue vibrates when sound waves hit it. The vibrations are then interpreted as sound by the frog's brain.
Yeah, no doubt about it. Frogs are cool!
Naturally yours,
Friday, June 14, 2013
Buzzing Bees
You never know the questions that may arise from a simple walk in the woods. Last week, I visited the Morgan Conservation Park in Oldham County for the first time. Our target was the nightjars known to live there. Nightjars? The family to which Whip-Poor-Wills and Chuck-Wills-Widow belong - in other words, birds that sing at night. We found a redbud tree with the oddest thing - it looked like some bug with a hole puncher had taken bites out of the leaves. I've never seen this before, and sent it around to other nature friends.
Turns out that these holes were chewed by a leaf-cutter bee. What? Yes, a native bee species. It's time to investigate bees a little more. I knew that sometimes it's hard to tell bees and flies and wasps apart, but I was astonished to learn about native bees! Some bees are "solitary," not living in hives with a queen like the honey bees do. Both males and females work for a living. This leafcutter digs a burrow in the ground, and uses the leaf pieces to separate each egg chamber from the next.
We are familiar with honey bees, and the problems they are having these days. But did you know they are not native to the New World? Honey bees arrived with European settlers about 400 years ago. Read this terrific brochure from the USDA about native bees. For example, there are over 4,000 different species of native bees in the United States! Many of our native bees are quite specialized, such as the blueberry bee or the squash bee.
Bees or Wasps? Upper left: An eastern yellow jacket wasp Lower left: The familiar black and yellow mud dauber wasp Upper right: A digger bee, Lower right: The nomad bee |
Bees are descended from wasps. Most wasps are carnivores; they either prey upon or parasitize other insects or spiders, and use this rich protein source to feed their young. About 125 million years ago, when the first flowering plants evolved, some wasps made a switch from hunting prey to gathering pollen for their brood. Perhaps they were hunting for insects that visited flowers and ate some of the pollen or drank the nectar along with their prey. It didn’t take much to find the advantages of consuming pollen over hunting. Pollen is rich in proteins and doesn’t fight back, so it is easy to imagine why the bees became vegetarians. Gathering pollen and nectar requires certain adaptations different from those of hunters, so they started to change, to evolve to meet these requirements and consequently became bees.
How to tell the difference between honey bees and bumble bees, the two most familiar bees?
Carpenter bees are a native species with a bad reputation. They have powerful jaws called mandibles with which they can excavate tunnels in wood. Fortunately they prefer soft wood and dislike paint or other finishing materials. It is possible to prevent them from doing serious damage to wood structures by taking simple precautions, such as painting or staining the wood. These gentle giants are called carpenter bees, and very likely you have seen some of them and their handiwork. There is usually a pile of sawdust below the opening of the hole during the early nesting and burrow excavation season. These bees create “particle board” spiral partitions between adjacent cells. Most bees construct spiral partition cell closures, a trademark of bees rather than wasps.
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Green Metallic Bee - Agapostemon splendens |
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Robber Fly with Bee Prey |
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Robber Fly |
Further research found that this was in fact a robber fly. And you thought flies were only interested in garbage and manure! There are two simple ways to tell a fly mimic from a bee. First, look at the wings: bees have four wings, but flies have two wings. Second, look at the antennae: bees have elbowed antennae, while many flies have short, stubby, or hair-thin antennae. If you can't see the antennae, you're probably looking at a fly. A site called Beespotter has lots of great info on bees and bee look-alikes.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Saving Orphaned Animals and Birds
"There's a baby owl/possum/fawn/skunk in my yard. What should I do? Can you come and get it?"
Patty Bleau, our office coordinator at Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve, often receives calls like this during the spring. Since we used to host a raptor rehab organization on the property, it's not hard to figure out why people call us when they find a baby animal. That organization has been gone for many years, but Patty is always glad to give those callers the name and number of active rehabilitators in the area.
So, what should you do when you find a young animal? After all, we always want to save those cute little orphans. First, we must determine if the baby is actually an orphan or not. Brigette Williams runs Second Chances Wildlife Center in Oldham County, KY, specializing in mammals, and sums up all the factors in deciding whether the animal needs help or not. Around 50% of all animals rehabilitators receive are animals that did not need to be rescued. Many well-meaning people rescue an orphaned animal that does not need to be rescued. Animals make terrific mothers and their babies are always better kept with them versus humans.
DO NOT rescue wildlife and then KEEP (kidnap) the bird or animal for a possible pet. State and federal laws protect nearly all wild mammals and birds. It is against the law to possess the animal or bird or the nests, feathers, or eggs of a bird without special permits. High fines and possible jail time are often given. In addition, dietary needs of each species of animal are different and it is almost impossible to duplicate their needs in captivity without special training. Mother deer in particular, will hide their fawns in a safe place while they go to feed. Since fawns have NO ODOR, and their natural instinct is "freeze behavior" for the first two weeks of their lives, it is unlikely they will be found by dogs or coyotes (unless tripped over). Staying with her fawn would give away its hiding place.
You are permitted to put an animal/bird in a box to keep it safe from cats and dogs while contacting a licensed rehabilitator. Keep the baby or injured animal WARM and CONTAINED and QUIET. Put tissues or towels in the box or bag to keep it warm, and cover it. Darkness makes the animal feel more secure. Loud noises are scary, so keep that in mind when selecting a spot for the box. Keep it out of drafts and away from air conditioners. The box can be placed half on and half off a heating pad set on low. If the animal gets too warm it can move to the other end of the box. A water bottle filled with warm water taped (to prevent rolling around) to the inside of the box will work just as well.
Birds on the ground are learning to fly. This is called fledging. Some bird species such as robins and blue jays remain on the ground for weeks. These birds look clumsy and injured. Unless you see a visible injury, please leave the fledglings to learn on their own. Mothers are often close by. Cats and dogs are the fledgling’s worry. Please keep your cat or dog indoors during this time. If you see a fledgling on the street, gently place it under a bush in a cat or dog free area. Birds that have fallen out of the nest can be placed back in. These birds will have little or no feathers. If the nest is destroyed, then make a nest from a Tupperware type bowl with paper towel inside and vent holes. Place the “nest” back in the tree. ALL ANIMALS will avoid coming to retrieve their babies if humans are around. Please watch for signs of mom without being too close or animals seeing you.
DO NOT FEED THE ANIMAL FOOD, WATER, OR MILK! Water and milk can go down into the animal’s lungs and kill it. Feeding an animal or bird the wrong food can cause severe diarrhea, dehydration, and even death. If an animal or bird has been caught by a cat or dog, please call Second Chances immediately. Even if wounds are not visible, the animal or bird needs to be given antibiotics. This young Turkey Vulture was "saved" by people who fed it hot dogs. It died of metabolic bone disease, after almost every bone in its body had broken. Raptors need to eat bones and fur, i.e., the whole mouse. How many of you keep mice and rats in the freezer?
All animals "imprint" on their parents so they know how to behave like the animal they are. When their vision clears, the first big thing that feeds them in Mama. However, each species has a different period of time after birth when imprinting takes place. A human imprint animal has rough time if it is released. Raptors, for example, just can't figure out how to hunt for themselves, and when it's time to find a mate, they want a girl just like Mom, who was a human being. At Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky, Inc., birds in danger of imprinting are fed by volunteers wearing a camouflage suit, so the bird doesn't get imprinted.
OK, so who should I call when I find a baby that appears to need help? Here are some licensed local rehabbers and Animal Control. Please, please be patient, and leave a clear message with your name, address, phone number and the kind of animal that needs help. Most rehabbers specialize in birds or mammals. They all work with volunteers, and it may take a while for someone to contact you.
Second Chances Wildlife Rehab (502) 228-6333
Oldham County Animal Control (502) 222-7387
Raptor Rehab of Ky (502) 491-1939
Wingspan of Kentucky (502) 228-9034
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tulips Are TREES?
The tuliptree is one of the tallest eastern American hardwoods, and one of the tallest trees found in the nature preserve. It can often be identified from a distance because of its very straight, tapering, light-colored and evenly furrowed trunk which, on mature trees, is usually free of branches for a considerable distance from the ground. Common names include tuliptree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar, whitewood. Although it is commonly referred to as a tulip poplar, Liriodendron tulipifera is not closely related to the true poplars, nor is it related to the ornamental flowers we call tulips. It is a member of the Magnoliaceae family, along the many flowering trees of the genus Magnolia. The tulip tree is the state tree of Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Up close, it is even easier to recognize, with its distinctive leaf shape which would be hard to mistake for that of any other tree. The large, hairless, glossy, alternate, simple leaves of the tuliptree are four-pointed, with an indented summit that makes it look as if the tip has been cut off.
In mid- to late May or early June, after its leaves are developed, the tuliptree blooms, with prominent, colorful tulip-like flowers, from which the tree gets its fanciful name. The flowers have 6 yellowish-green and orange petals and three large sepals at their base. They produce a good amount of nectar and are pollinated by bees. The fruit, in the form of a narrow winged seed (samara) 1-2 inches long, is clustered in 2-3 inch cone-shaped structures which persist on the branches through the summer and into the fall. They are dispersed by wind.
I like the appearance of eyebrows or a moustache remaining in the bark where young branches have been grown over as the tree matures.

The tuliptree is a particularly valuable tree for lumber because of its tall, straight trunk and wood that is soft, lightweight, straight-grained, resistant to splitting, and easily worked. Native Americans and early pioneers frequently hollowed out a single log to make a long dugout canoe, giving it the common name "canoe tree" in some regions. Sold commercially as "yellow poplar," it is used for furniture, musical instruments, interior finishes, shingles, boats, plywood, fuel, and various small objects. Tulip poplars are weather resistant, and termite resistant. Pioneers preferred these logs to other logs for homes. In fact they were exported to Europe because they were recognized as a superior log.
The root of the tuliptree can be used as a lemon-like flavoring agent in spruce beer. The bark contains 'tulipiferine,' which is said to have powerful effects on the heart and nervous system.
Tea made from the bark has historically been used to make an aromatic stimulant tonic, which is said to be beneficial in the treatment of rheumatism, chronic gastric and intestinal diseases, dysentery, coughs, and hysteria. Externally, the tea is used as a wash and a poultice on wounds and boils. The raw green bark can be chewed for its purported aphrodisiac effects, and the root bark and seeds have been used to expel worms from the body.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
I Wish You Bluebirds in the Spring

This is such a busy time of year for our Bluebirds. Fortunately, Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve has over 20 nest boxes on the property which are favorite nesting sites for Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, as well as House Sparrows and House Wrens. We don't mind sharing with the first birds on the list, but House Sparrows and House Wrens are bullies, and will kill other chicks in the nest, so any time we see them building in a Bluebird box, we pull that nest out. After 5 or 6 attempts, they will give up and go someplace else.
Bluebirds are wonderful parents. I think the same pair return to the same nest box year after year, although I admit, it is hard to tell them apart! In this photo, notice the male bringing a nice worm for the chicks, while the female removes a fecal sac. A fecal sac is a clean, tough mucous/gelatinous membrane/film containing the excrement of nestling birds. Yes, baby birds poop in diapers! Nestlings usually excrete one sac after each feeding, especially as they get older. The parent grasps the sac by the middle with their beak. They may take out 60-70 bundles a day! Usually both parents help with this task. For hatchlings and very young nestlings (e.g., up to 4-5 days old), the parents may eat the sacs, as the baby's digestive tracts are not very efficient and the sacs may still contain nutrition. Otherwise, they drop them outside of the box, usually some distance away to avoid leading predators back to the nest.
If you are interested in learning more about Bluebirds, is the source of all knowledge relating to them. The safe way to observe eggs and chicks is to use a mirror, for example. The nests have a deep cup, and it's hard to see the inside sometimes. The mirror ensures that you don't accidentally break an egg while exploring with a fingertip.
Not all cavity nesters are as tolerant as Bluebirds, who will wait patiently on a nearby branch while you visit their youngsters. Just be careful not to take too long. After all, those babies are growing fast and always hungry! Only 3 weeks after hatching, they will be ready to "fledge," or fly out of the nest. We see pictures of eagles and other birds flapping their wings in preparation for fledging. But cavity nesters don't have room for this. Remember, there may be 5-6 chicks crammed inside that box, but when it's time to fly, they jump out of the hole and never look back.
Both parents will feed the nestlings. What bluebirds eat depends in part on what is available. On average over the seasons, 68% of a Bluebirds' diet is made up of insects: grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, spiders, and caterpillars (usually spied from a perch and then caught on the ground.) They also eat ants, wasps and bees, flies, angleworms, snails, sow bugs, moths, weevils and termites. Bluebirds love mealworms, and you can put them out in a dish to attract nearby Bluebirds. Occasionally they catch insects in flight, especially when its warmer and flying insects are abundant. The proportion of insects in the food bluebirds collect during nesting season is probably significantly higher than 68%. That is because their growing young need lots of protein. The rest is mostly small fruit - e.g., flowering dogwood, holly, mulberry, wild grape, Virginia creeper, pokeweed, and Viburnum, gleaned from plants or foraged on the ground. In winter, I have watched them eating mistletoe berries and poison ivy berries, since Kentucky Bluebirds usually spend the winter here instead of migrating.
As the saying goes, "May all your blues be birds." Hope to see you at Bluebird Day, May 18, from 10 - 2.
Bluebirds are wonderful parents. I think the same pair return to the same nest box year after year, although I admit, it is hard to tell them apart! In this photo, notice the male bringing a nice worm for the chicks, while the female removes a fecal sac. A fecal sac is a clean, tough mucous/gelatinous membrane/film containing the excrement of nestling birds. Yes, baby birds poop in diapers! Nestlings usually excrete one sac after each feeding, especially as they get older. The parent grasps the sac by the middle with their beak. They may take out 60-70 bundles a day! Usually both parents help with this task. For hatchlings and very young nestlings (e.g., up to 4-5 days old), the parents may eat the sacs, as the baby's digestive tracts are not very efficient and the sacs may still contain nutrition. Otherwise, they drop them outside of the box, usually some distance away to avoid leading predators back to the nest.
If you are interested in learning more about Bluebirds, is the source of all knowledge relating to them. The safe way to observe eggs and chicks is to use a mirror, for example. The nests have a deep cup, and it's hard to see the inside sometimes. The mirror ensures that you don't accidentally break an egg while exploring with a fingertip.
Not all cavity nesters are as tolerant as Bluebirds, who will wait patiently on a nearby branch while you visit their youngsters. Just be careful not to take too long. After all, those babies are growing fast and always hungry! Only 3 weeks after hatching, they will be ready to "fledge," or fly out of the nest. We see pictures of eagles and other birds flapping their wings in preparation for fledging. But cavity nesters don't have room for this. Remember, there may be 5-6 chicks crammed inside that box, but when it's time to fly, they jump out of the hole and never look back.
Both parents will feed the nestlings. What bluebirds eat depends in part on what is available. On average over the seasons, 68% of a Bluebirds' diet is made up of insects: grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, spiders, and caterpillars (usually spied from a perch and then caught on the ground.) They also eat ants, wasps and bees, flies, angleworms, snails, sow bugs, moths, weevils and termites. Bluebirds love mealworms, and you can put them out in a dish to attract nearby Bluebirds. Occasionally they catch insects in flight, especially when its warmer and flying insects are abundant. The proportion of insects in the food bluebirds collect during nesting season is probably significantly higher than 68%. That is because their growing young need lots of protein. The rest is mostly small fruit - e.g., flowering dogwood, holly, mulberry, wild grape, Virginia creeper, pokeweed, and Viburnum, gleaned from plants or foraged on the ground. In winter, I have watched them eating mistletoe berries and poison ivy berries, since Kentucky Bluebirds usually spend the winter here instead of migrating.
As the saying goes, "May all your blues be birds." Hope to see you at Bluebird Day, May 18, from 10 - 2.
Naturally yours,
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